MO10 Mathematics Outreach

Big, enormous, gigantic and gargantuan numbers

Sáenz de Cabezón, Eduardo
Universidad de La Rioja
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
A Showcase of Interactive Software Tools for Hybrid Mathematics Engagement

Daniel Matt, Andreas
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Colecionando objetos de engenho e arte
Vieira, Rita
Professora aposentada
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Art inspired by Mathematics

Roelofs, Rinus
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
MO10 Probability
Universidade Aberta
Modelling and Applications in Kinetic Theory of Mixtures
Soares, Ana Jacinta
Centro de Matemática e Departamento de Matemática, Universidade do Minho
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Stochastic Cucker-Smale model: collision-avoidance and flocking
Huang, Qiao
Grupo de Física-Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Stationary half-space last passage percolation
Occelli, Alessandra
Centro de Análise Matemática, Geometria e Sistemas Dinâmicos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Calculus in Infinite Dimensional Probability Spaces. From Gauss to Poisson
Streit, Ludwig
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal; Universitaet Bielefeld, Germany; MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, The Philippines
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
MO10 Recent advances and new directions in Hypercomplex Analysis

CIDMA, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro
Slice topology and some new results on hyperholomorphic functions

Sabadini, Irene
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Matematica, Via E. Bonardi, 9, 20133 Milano, Italy
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
On the Radon transform and the Dirac delta distribution in superspace

Guzmán Adán, Ali
Department of Electronics and information systems, University of Ghent, Krijgslaan 281, S8 9000 Gent
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Domains of monogenicity in several quaternionic variables: the sufficient condition
Salac, Tomás
Mathematical Institute of Charles University, Praha 8
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Higher-dimensional discrete operator and function theory and its applications

Kähler, Uwe
CIDMA, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
MO10 A (non-representative) sample of Statistics

(1) University of Edinburgh; (2)Banco de Portugal e NOVA School of Business and Economics, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa; (3) Centro de Matemática e Aplicações NOVAMATH e Departamento de Matemática, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa; (4) Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, The Observatory, University of St Andrews e Centro de Estatística e Aplicações, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; (5) Instituto Politécnico do Porto, ESTG e CEAUL, Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa
Main predictors of Length of Care in Portuguese Social Care
Guerreiro, Gracinda
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Big geographic data: detecting land cover changes from satellite imagery
Campagnolo, Manuel
DCEB e Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Extreme value theory towards non-stationarity
Ferreira, Ana
Instituto Superior Técnico and CEMAT
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Distributional properties of the Lincoln-Petersen estimator under extreme lower recapture values
Alpizar-Jara, Russel
Research Center in Mathematics and Applications, Institute for Advanced Studies and Research (IIFA), Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences and Technology (ECT), Doctoral Program in Mathematics (PDM), University of Évora
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
MO10 Mathematical applications in health

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
Optimal control of HIV in-host model with time-delays and state constraints

Silva, Cristiana
Researcher in Mathematics at the University of Aveiro (CIDMA)
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Translational research Some projects from LABI bringing Exact Sciences closer to Health Solutions

Diana Lee, Huei
Laboratório de Bioinformática - LABI. Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
From Numerical Models to Bioreactor Design in Tissue Engineering

Meneses, João
Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development (CDRSP-IPLeiria)
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
New Equivariant Deep Learning via PDEs and Medical Image Analysis Applications.

Duits, Remco
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology.
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
MO10 Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management
The green debt halo effect: is there any advantage on going green?
Pimentel, Rita
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, NTNU
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Obtaining the optimal reinsurance treaty of several dependent risks in practice
Bugalho de Moura, Alexandra
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Switching between investment projects: an optimal control problem
Kravchenko, Igor
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Optimal stopping problems with Lévy processes
Nunes, Cláudia
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
MO15 Math Education

(1) Nova University, (2) ISEG
Misunderstandings about Understanding in Math

Barry Garelick
Math Teacher and Author
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:20)
Scientific Bases of Mathematics Instruction: Avoiding Myths, Embracing Evidence, and Advancing Student Learning

Amanda VanDerHeyden
Spring Math
Speaker 2 (15:25-15:45)
What's going on with K-12 math education in Canada?

Anna Stokke
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Winnipeg
Speaker 3 (15:50-16:10)
Essential cognitive principles of learning - and why math teachers should care about them?

Efrat Furst
Teaching and Learning Center, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Speaker 4 (16:15-16:35)
What PISA and other international surveys tell us about good math teaching

Nuno Crato
ISEG, University of Lisbon
Speaker 5 (16:40-17:00)
MO15 Youngsters linking actuarial science & operations research
(1) ISEG & CEMAPRE Universidade de Lisboa; (2) ISEG & CMAFcIO, Universidade de Lisboa;
A probability of ruin approach to optimize pension fund investments
Hernández-Pacheco, Abraham E.
ISEG & CEMAPRE, Universidade de Lisboa; Vitalis, Expertos en Pensiones
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:20)
Investment strategies with insurance
Oliveira, Sílvia M.
ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, REM - Research in Economics and Mathematics and CEMAPRE, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 2 (15:25-15:45)
Strategic Assets Allocation: An asset-liability management model applied to the insurance sector
Rocha, Joana C. Roque
ISEG & CEMAPRE, Universidade de Lisboa; Companhia de Seguros Allianz Portugal, S.A
Speaker 3 (15:50-16:10)
A public micro pension programme in Brazil: Heterogeneity among states and setting up of benefit age adjustment
Alcoforado, Renata G
ISEG & CEMAPRE, Universidade de Lisboa;Department of Accounting and Actuarial Science, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco;
Speaker4 (16:15-16:35)
Cyber risk: An analysis of self-protection and the prediction of claims
Azevedo, Alana K.
ISEG & CEMAPRE, Universidade de Lisboa;Faculty of Economics, Management, Actuarial Sc. & Accounting, Univ. Federal do Ceará
Speaker5 (16:40-17:00)
MO15 Linear and Combinatorial Structures
Center for Mathematics and Applications (CMA), FCT, UNL and Department of Mathematics, FCT, UNL
Counting the number of different convertible Hessenberg type $(0,1)-$matrices arising from graph enumerations
Serodio, Rogério
Universidade da Beira Interior
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Pak-Stanley labeling of the Ish arrangement
Duarte, Rui
Universidade de Aveiro
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
The little secondary Bruhat order
F. da Cruz, Henrique
Universidade da Beira Interior
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
A uniform action of the dihedral group $\mathbb{Z}_2 \times D_3$ on Littlewood-Richardson coefficients
Azenhas, Olga
Universidade de Coimbra
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
MO15 AI and Mathematics

Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Formalising Advanced Mathematics Within Simple Type Theory

Paulson, Larry
University of Cambridge
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Towards Rigorous Neural Control

Gao, Sicun
University of California, San Diego
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
What Can Machines Learn about Quantifiers?

Janota, Mikolas
Czech Technical University in Prague
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
A fundamental element of Automated Theorem Proving: The Science of Brute Force

Kullmann, Oliver
Swansea University
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
MO15 Heteroclinic dynamics and beyond
ISEG and CEMAPRE, University of Lisboa e Sciences Faculty, Center of Mathematics, University of Porto
Asymptotic stability of ac-networks
Castro, Sofia
Economics Faculty, Center of Mathematics, University of Porto
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Creating almost complete and equable heteroclinic networks
Lohse, Alexander
Maths Department, University of Hamburg
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Heteroclinic dynamics between synchrony patterns in phase oscillator networks with higher-order interactions
Bick, Christian
Mathematics and Physics Sciences Departament, University of Exeter
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Computational properties of network attractors
Ashwin, Peter
Mathematics and Physics Sciences Departament, University of Exeter
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
MO15 Recent Developments in Malliavin Calculus
Koç University
Invertibility on the Poisson Space and Applications
Decreusefond, Laurent
LTCI, Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Regularity of Monge-Brenier Potentials and Monge-Ampére Equation on Wiener Space
Demirel, Ihsan
Department of Mathematics, Koç University
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Hedging in a Degenerate Market Model
Çaglar, Mine
Department of Mathematics, Koç University
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Stochastic Calculus of Variations on Diffusions' Path Spaces and Applications to Log-Sobolev Inequalities
Üstünel, Ali Süleyman
Department of Mathematics, Bilkent University
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
MO15 Ergodic theory and chaotic dynamical systems (Part 1)
Centro de Matematica da Universidade do Porto
Extremes for Energy-like Observables on Hyperbolic Systems
Carney, Meagan
University of Queensland
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Abadi, Miguel
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Chaotic behaviour of billiards and Lorentz gas
Pène, Françoise
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Stable laws for random dynamical systems
Nicol, Matt
University of Houston
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TU10 História da Matemática
Que geometria analítica se encontra na Geometria de Descartes?
Kahle, Reinhard
CMA, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Cultura matemática na astronomia: o surgimento dos equatórios de tipo $\textit{"Teorice novelle"}$ durante a segunda metade do século XV
Gessner, Samuel
CIUHCT, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Lisbon
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
On Archimedes'mechanical method in mathematics: a new way of practicing mathematics or just another stroke of mathematical genius?
Molinini, Daniele
CFCUL, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Lisbon
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Uma Brevíssima História da Matemática em Portugal através da sua Tipografia
Rodrigues, José Francisco
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TU10 Geometry
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
From categories to Gromov-Witten invariants
Amorim, Lino
Kansas State University
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Finite-type invariants, embedding calculus and Galois symmetries
Boavida, Pedro
Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Dynamical Systems, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Special Lagrangians and Lagrangian mean curvature flow
Oliveira, Gonçalo
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Understanding the geometry of a (compactified) moduli space via tropical geometry
Melo, Margarida
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre and CMUC, Universidade de Coimbra
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TU10 Stochastic duality for Markov processes

Center for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Dynamical Systems, IST, Universidade de Lisboa
Mixing of the Averaging process and its discrete dual on finite-dimensional geometries
Sau, Federico
IST - Austria
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Higher-order fluctuation fields and orthogonal duality polynomials
Ayala Valenzuela, Mario
(BioSP), INRAE, Avignon
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Self-duality in the continuum
Floreani, Simone
TU - Delft
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Duality of Markov processes and non-equilibrium statistical physics
Giardinà, Cristian
Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TU10 Dynamic Neural Fields: Numerical Simulations and Applications to Robotics
University of Minho
A novel dynamic field model supporting a continuum of bump amplitudes
Wojtak, Weronika
Research Center Algoritmi, University of Minho
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Rapid learning of complex sequences with time constraints: A dynamic neural field model
Ferreira, Flora
Centre of Mathematics, University of Minho
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Numerical simulations of two-dimensional stochastic neural field equations with delay
Sequeira, Tiago
CEMAT - Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Mathematical modeling of working nemory in the presence of random disturbance using neural field equations
Lima, Pedro
CEMAT- Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TU10 Operations Research
CMAFcIO & ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa
The Maritime Inventory Routing Problem under Uncertainty
Rodrigues, Filipe
ISEG-Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon, & REM - Research in Economics and Mathematics, CEMAPRE
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Identifying Parking Enforcement Tours via Arc Routing Problems
S. Pinto, Leonor
REM-CEMAPRE & ISEG-Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Solution approaches for a tri-objective MILP model
Martins, Carlos
CEMAPRE & ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Models for the Traveling Salesman Problem and the case with positional consistency constraints
Gouveia, Luís
CMAFcIO & Faculdade de Ciências, Universidadde de Lisboa
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TU10 Variational and Topological Methods for Differential Equations
Saturated fronts in crowds dynamics
Campos, Juan
Universidad de Granada
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Multiple bounded variation solutions for a prescribed mean curvature equation with Neumann boundary conditions
Boscaggin, Alberto
Università degli Studi di Torino
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Multistability and time-periodic spatial pattern in the cross-diffusion SKT model
Soresina, Cinzia
Karl-Franzens-University of Graz
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Determining the geometry of the human cornea: a contribution from nonlinear analysis
Omari, Pierpaolo
Università degli Studi di Trieste
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TU10 Hyperbolic conservation laws: theory and numerics
(1)UAberta and CAMGSD & (2)U. Picardie Jules Verne
Entropy-preserving high-order schemes for the Euler equations
Desveaux, Vivien
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
A fully well-balanced scheme for the 1D rotating shallow water equations
Masset, Alice
U. Picardie Jules Verne
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Models for cell populations structured by content
Grinfeld, Michael
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
On weak completeness of the set of adapted entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws
Panov, Evgeny
Novgorod State University
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TU15 Matemática, pandemia e ensino

Nova University
The learning recovery path after COVID

Freitas, Pedro
Centro de Economia da Educação NOVA SBE
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Best strategies for teaching Mathematics online and offline: What can we learn from Psychological Science?

Nunes, Ludmila
Cognitive scientist and senior science writer for the Association for Psychological Science
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Zoom fatigue: o que é? E como ultrapassar algumas das dificuldades para melhorar o bem-estar e a aprendizagem

Rosário, Pedro
Escola de Psicologia da Universidade do Minho
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Retorno à escola em período de pandemia: e agora o que fazer?

Ginja, Rita
Department of Economics, University of Bergen
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TU15 The interplay between dynamical systems and functional analysis
Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Minho
The closing lemma and the planar general density theorem for Sobolev maps
Torres, Maria Joana
Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Minho
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Renormalization Theory for One-dimensional Dynamics
Guarino, Pablo
Federal Fluminense University
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Stationary measures for infinite graphs
Baraviera, Alexandre
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Diffeomorphic approximation of $W^{1,1}$ planar Sobolev homeomorphisms
Hencl, Stanislav
Charles University in Prague
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TU15 Mathematical Relativity

Iscte and CAMGSD
Decay of solutions of the wave equation in expanding cosmological spacetimes

Natário, José
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Burnett's conjecture in General Relativity

Teixeira da Costa, Rita
University of Cambridge
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Self-similarity and critical collapse in General Relativity and beyond

Rocha, Jorge
Iscte and CENTRA
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
The nonlinear stability of black holes

Dafermos, Mihalis
Princeton University
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TU15 Deterministic and stochastic coagulation-fragmentation models

University of Helsinki
Stationary non-equilibrium solutions for coagulation equations

Nota, Alessia
University of L'Aquila
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Stochastic approach for fragmention - application to avalanches

Deaconu, Madalina
Inria & IECL (Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine), Nancy
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Tail dynamics of a singularly perturbed coagulation-fragmentation equation

Van, Truong-Son
University of Pennsylvania
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
A coagulation-fragmentation-death model for silicosis

da Costa, Fernando Pestana
Universidade Aberta
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TU15 Free groups, free monoids, and formal languages

University of Coimbra, CMUC, Department of Mathematics
Applications of Stallings automata: old and new

Delgado, Jordi
University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Suffix-connected languages

Goulet-Ouellet, Herman
University of Coimbra, CMUC, Department of Mathematics, and University of Porto, CMUP, Department of Mathematics
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Endomorphisms of the direct product of two free groups

Carvalho, André
Centre of Mathematics, University of Porto
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Dendric languages and the Finite Index Basis Property

Dolce, Francesco
Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TU15 Automated Proofs in Mathematics

Universidade Aberta and Universidade Nova de Lisboa
From Prover9 proofs to human-readable proofs: An experiment with residuated monoids

Oliva, Paulo
Queen Mary University of London
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Proof Simplification in Automated Theorem Proving

Kinyon, Michael
University of Denver
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
New and Interesting Theorems

Quaresma, Pedro
Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Human-centered Theorem Proving: Interactive and automated

Sieg, Wilfried
Carnegie Mellon University
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
WE10 Undergraduate Enrolled in Research Projects

Ana Cristina Casimiro
Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Paula Pascoal-Faria
Departamento de Matemática, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
Representations of the Higman-Thompson groups

André Guimarães
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Mathematical Finance - Pricing of Options

Elisabete Rita Cardoso Ferreira Pires Fino
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Topology Optimization: Applications in Bioscaffold Design

Jan Marxen
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Mathematics Department
Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Mobility Indicators

Rodrigo Filipe Rodrigues Rocha
Licenciatura em Estatística Aplicada (Univ. Minho), 3º ano
Speaker 4 (11:00-11:15)
Limits of Sequences of Pedal Triangles

Rodrigo Pereira
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto
Speaker 5 (11:20-11:35)
A Polynomial Model for Filling In Incomplete Data

Christopher Gadzinski
Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker 6 (11:40-11:55)
WE10 Mathematical Models in Epidemiology
Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, Nova School of Science & Technology| FCT NOVA
Individual variation in susceptibility or exposure to SARS-CoV-2 lowers the herd immunity threshold
M. Gomes, M. Gabriela
University of Strathclyde Glasgow, United Kingdom & Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, Nova School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Forecasting Covid-19 hospital admissions in England
Meakin, Sophie
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Meeting the challenges of COVID-19

Torres, Delfim F. M.
Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA),\ Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Mathematical epidemiology of infectious diseases: a bird's eye view
Diekmann, Odo
Utrecht University
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
WE10 Algebra

Center for Mathematics and Applications (CMA), Department of Mathematics, NOVA School of Science and Technology - FCT NOVA, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
The existential transversal property: A generalization of homogeneity and its curious behaviour

Bentz, Wolfram
Center for Mathematics and Applications (CMA), FCT NOVA & Universidade Aberta,
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
On the categorical behaviour of ordered, metric, and topological groups

Clementino, Maria Manuel
Centre for Mathematics, University of Coimbra (CMUC)
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Locally countable pseudovarieties of semigroups
Almeida, Jorge
CMUP, Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Tropical Representations and Identities of Plactic Monoids
Kambites, Mark
University of Manchester
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
WE10 Practical Applications of PDE's

Finite difference analysis and numerical simulation of a light-triggered drug delivery model
Gomez, Hugo
University of Coimbra, CMUC, Department of Mathematics, Coimbra, Portugal
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Fractional splines in subdiffusion

Jesus, Carla
CMUC, Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra, 3001-501 Coimbra, Portugal
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
The action of electric fields to enhance drug delivery to the eye - a computational study
Silva, Pascoal
IPC - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra and CMUC
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Mathematical Modeling of Blood Flow
Tiago, Jorge
CEMAT and Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
WE10 O Ensino da Matemática online em tempos de pandemia

Instituto Politécnico Lisboa
A comunicação cientifica nas aulas de matemática online

Mateus, Ayana
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
O OneNote como suporte às aulas de matemática online: uma experiencia no ensino superior

Salazar, José
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
DESMOS a ponte entre o professor de matemática e os seus alunos

Malheiro, Luis
Escola Secundária de Odivelas
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
O Ensino da Matemática online em tempos de pandemia

Paiva, Rui
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
WE10 Conservative PDEs and applications
UÉvora & U. Picardie Jules Verne
Damping, stabilization and numerical filtering
Chehab, Jean-Paul
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Travelling waves for a schistosomiasis model
Doungsavanh, Bouasy
UPJV & National University of Laos
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
On the Lifshitz-Slyozov equation with nucleation
Hingant, Erwan
Universidad del Bío-Bío
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Numerical complex singularity tracking in nonlinear PDEs
Weideman, JAC
Stellenbosch University
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
WE10 Random matrices, integrable systems, and orthogonal polynomials
Universidade da Beira Interior and Uppsala University, Sweden
On the persistence probability for a class of integrable models
Poplavskyi, Mihail
Queen Mary University of London
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Aspects of nonlinear differential equations
Filipuk, Galina
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics University of Warsaw, Poland.
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
An electrostatic interpretation of the zeros of sieved ultraspherical polynomials
de Jesus, Marcio
Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão CI & DEI, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Portugal
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Modulated Bi-orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle: The $2j-k$ and $j-2k$ Systems
Witte, Nicholas
School of Mathematics and Statistics Victoria University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
WE15 Undergraduate that Published

Ana Cristina Casimiro
Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Paula Pascoal-Faria
Departamento de Matemática, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
Representations of Higman-Thompson groups from Cuntz algebras

Francisco Miguel Estácio Gaspar Gonçalves de Araújo
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Binary Inverse and the Dragon Curve

Guilherme Santos
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Note on periodic resonant problems with non-linear dissipation

João Silva
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Spacetime Singularities and theWeak Cosmic Censorship Conjecture

Leonel Queimada
University of California, Santa Bárbara, USA
Speaker 4 (16:00-16:15)
Invertibility of Fourier convolution operators with piecewise continuous symbols on classical and variable Lebesgue spaces

Márcio Valente
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Speaker 5 (16:20-16:35)
What do congurations of points tell us about a space?

Miguel Barata
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 6 (16:40-16:55)
WE15 Algebraic Geometry

Centro de Matemática Universidade do Porto / Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Counting curves in space: maps or equations?

Moreira, Miguel
ETH Zürich
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Motives of character varieties
Silva, Jaime
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL)
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Z/2-Godeaux surfaces
Rito, Carlos
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) & Centro de Matemática e Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (CMUP)
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Geometric structures and Higgs bundles

Gothen, Peter
Centro de Matemática e Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
WE15 Industrial Mathematics

University of Minho
Virtual Study Groups, V-KEMS, and the fight against COVID-19

Budd, Chris
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
A Successful Cooperation between Academia and Industry

Coelho, Cecília
Centre of Mathematics, University of Minho, Braga
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Human-Interpretable Explanations for Black-Box Machine Learning Models: An Application to Fraud Detection

Balayan, Vladimir
Research Data Scientist, Feedzai
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Using tailormade technology to improve industry competitiveness: a Portuguese example in Industrial Mathematics

Cruz, Manuel
LEMA - Engineering Mathematics Laboratory, School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
WE15 Interacting particle systems and random growth models
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Law of iterated logarithms of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
Ghosal, Promit
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Non-existence of bi-infinite polymer Gibbs measures on Z^2
Busani, Ofer
University of Bristol
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Scaling Limit of an Exclusion Process with Vorticity
De Carlo, Leonardo
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Local universality of the time-time covariance for last passage percolation with generic initial profiles
Ferrari, Patrik
Universitaet Bonn
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
WE15 Codes and Graph Spectra
University of Aveiro
The $H$-join of arbitrary families of graphs
Pinheiro, Sofia
University of Aveiro
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Construction of LDPC convolutional codes
Lieb, Julia
University of Zurich
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Block Toeplitz Matrices for Burst-Correcting Convolutional Codes
Requena, Verónica
University of Alicante
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Kemeny's constant and a twin paradox for graphs
Ciardo, Lorenzo
University of Oxford UK
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
WE15 Non-classical algebraic structures

Centro de Matemática e Aplicações / Universidade Aberta
Hypergraph colourings and transformation representations of rectangular bands

East, James
Western Sydney University
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Algebras from homomorphism kernels

Mayr, Peter
University of Colorado Boulder
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)

Kinyon, Michael
University of Denver
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Simplicity of inverse semigroup algebras - a question of Munn
Steinberg, Benjamin
The City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
WE15 Mathematical Structures in Quantum Foundations

(1) Bilkent University; (2) INL-International Iberian Nanotechnology Institute
Contextuality in entanglement-assisted one-shot classical communication

Kunjwal, Ravi
Université libre de Bruxelles
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Generalised probabilistic theories: from convex geometry to category theory

Selby, John
University of Gdansk
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
The algebraic structure of quantum effects

van de Wetering, John
Radboud University Nijmegen and University of Oxford
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Reconstructing and Extending Quantum Theory

Wilce, Alexander
Susquehanna University
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TH10 Plataformas digitais para o ensino e a aprendizagem de Matemática

Agrupamento de Escolas do Monte de Caparica | Centro de formação da SPM
Academia Aberta

Rui Paiva
Departamento de Matemática da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
Criador da plataforma
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Aula Digital| Leya

Cláudia Capela
Educação Digital, Grupo Leya
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Escola Virtual| Porto Editora

Marisa Afonso
Centro multimédia da Porto Editora
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Khan Academy

Teresa Fernandes
Fundação Altice
Speaker 4 (11:00-11:15)

Helder Sousa
Director of Project Dissemination, VRETTA, Inc. - MathemaTIC
Speaker 5 (11:20-11:35)

Mauro Figueiredo
Project Coordinator
Universidade do Algarve
Speaker 6 (11:40-11:55)
TH10 Partial Differential Equations

Universidade de Lisboa
The nonlinear Schrödinger equation in spaces of infinite mass

Correia, Simão
Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Symmetry breaking for the Jacobian Equation

Guerra, André
University of Oxford
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Well-posedness for the Cahn-Hilliard equation on an evolving surface

Caetano, Diogo
University of Warwick
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Sharp regularity for singular and degenerate pdes

Urbano, José Miguel
Universidade de Coimbra
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TH10 Numerical Analysis

University of Lisbon
Analysis and numerical approximation of distributed order problems arising in viscoelasticity and anomalous diffusion processes

Morgado, Maria Luísa
Centro de Matemática Computacional e Estocástica, Instituto Superior Técnico, and Department of Mathematics, School of Science and Technology, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Carlos Alves in Memoriam. Reminiscenses of Carlos Alves by Adélia Sequeira.

Alves, Carlos J. S.
CEMAT, Instituto Superior Técnico
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Modeling and simulation in drug delivery enhanced by stimuli

Ferreira, José Augusto
University of Coimbra, CMUC, Department of Mathematics
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Cardiovascular mathematics between Data, Models and Clinics

Veneziani, Alessandro
Department of Mathematics, Department of Computer Science, Emory University, Atlanta (GA)
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TH10 Dynamical Systems
Universidade de Lisboa
Geometric bounds for the regularity of Lyapunov exponents of random products of matrices
Bezerra, Jamerson
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Thermodynamic Formalism for Random Piece-wise Expanding Open Dynamical Systems
Atnip, Jason
University of New South Wales
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
On the Berry-Esseen theorem for random dynamical systems
Hafouta, Yeor
Ohio State University
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Recent progress on the thermodynamic formalism of random transformations
Varandas, Paulo
CMUP, Universidade Federal da Bahia
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TH10 Some mathematical biology problems
UÉvora & University of Strathclyde
Applicability of a tensorial artificial diffusion stabilization in numerical simulations of Oldroyd-B type fluids
Pires, Marília
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Optimal control of a Dengue-Dengvaxia model
Mentuda, Cheryl
U. Picardie Jules Verne & Caraga State University
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Some qualitative properties of red blood cell shapes
Guedda, Mohammed
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
In silico pest and pathogen control strategies: changes in the agricultural landscape
Mammeri, Youcef
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TH10 Mathematics for Insurance and Finance

ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa
Open Markov type population models: from discrete to continuous time

Esquível, Manuel L.
FCT Nova and CMA UNL
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Split time-step schemes for McKean-Vlasov SDEs

Reis, Gonçalo dos
University of Edinburgh
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Credit Market Segmentation, Essentiality of Commodities, and Supermodularity

Faias, Marta
FCT Nova and CMA UNL
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Pricing and Hedging of Variable Annuities in Affine Models

Schmidt, Thosten
University of Freiburg, Department of Mathematical Stochastics
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
TH15 Olimpíadas de Matemática

Joana Teles
Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra
Portugal tem talento matemático? Mais de 40 anos de Olimpíadas...

Joana Teles
Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:20)
O Projeto Delfos e as Olimpíadas de Matemática

Alfredo Costa
CMUC - Centro de Matemática, Departamento de Matemática
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker 2 (15:25-15:45)
O início da minha jornada matemática através das olimpíadas

Miguel Moreira
ETH Zürich
Speaker 3 (15:50-16:10)
O Antes e Depois das Olimpíadas

Inês Guimarães
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
Speaker 4 (16:15-16:35)
Olimpíadas, o meu percurso

Leonardo Tavares
Escola Secundária com 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico de D. Filipa de Lencastre
Speaker 5 (16:40-17:00)
TH15 Statistics

FEP & CMUP, Universidade do Porto
Regression-type analysis for black swan events

de Carvalho, Miguel
School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Statistical Physics of geophysical Extreme Events

Faranda, Davide
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de lEnvironnement, Université Paris-Saclay
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Bayesian state-space models to optimize malaria vector control: quantifying the impacts on mosquito population dynamics and life history

Viana, Mafalda
Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Statistical Extreme Value Theory and Applications: an Appealing and Challenging Topic

Gomes, M. Ivette
CEAUL, Universidade de Lisboa
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TH15 Proof Theory

University of Minho
The computational side of intuitionistic deep inference

Heijltjes, Willem
University of Bath
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
A uniform framework for substructural logics with modalities

Pimentel, Elaine
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Some remarks on atomic polymorphism

Pistone, Paolo
University of Bologna
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Categorical models of Linear Logic with fixed points of formulas

Ehrhard, Thomas
CNRS and Université de Paris
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TH15 Nonlinear PDEs

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia
Moduli of continuity for the Stefan problem

Liao, Naian
Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Salzburg
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Global solvability for Porous Medium Equations with advection

Diehl, Nicolau M. L.
Instituto Federal de educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rio Grande do Sul
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
A class of nonlocal parabolic equations with the nonlinear structure depending on the solution
Shmarev, Sergey
Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Oviedo
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Smoothing or no smoothing properties of some nonlinear evolutionary PDE's

Porzio, Maria Michaela
Sapienza University of Rome
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
TH15 Young researchers session on Linear Models and Decision Theory
Department of Mathematics and Center of Mathematics and Applications, University of Beira Interior
Edgeworth approximation and Cumulants
Antunes, Patrícia
Center of Mathematics and Applications, University of Beira Interior
Speaker 1 (15:00-15:15)
Some considerations on Hierarchical Linear Models
Valente, Vítor
QA/QE no Agrupamento de Escolas de São Bruno (Caxias, Oeiras) and PhD Student at University of Beira Interior
Speaker 2 (15:20-15:35)
Análise estatística de Planos em Blocos Incompletos Equilibrados com Repetições: O caso particular do BIBD(9,24,8,3,2|b*=20)
Alves, Paula
Universidade Aberta e CEAUL
Speaker 3 (15:40-15:55)
Asymptotic Results for Discrete Models
Akoto, Isaac
NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani, Ghana
Main Speaker (16:00-16:40)
FR10 Matemática Recreativa

(1) University of Lisbon (2) Departamento de História e Filosofia das Ciências, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (3) Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Freitas, Pedro Jorge
Departamento de História e Filosofia das Ciências, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
O Campeonato Nacional de Jogos Matemáticos

Neto, João Pedro
Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Uma Década de Circo Matemático

Hirth, Tiago
Departamento de História e Filosofia das Ciências, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Os problemas recreativos de Gaspar Nicolas

Silva, Jorge Nuno
Departamento de História e Filosofia das Ciências, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
FR10 Stochastic Processes
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, FCT NOVA
Ageing and probabilities of exceeding the mean
Oliveira, Paulo Eduardo
CMUC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Moments of Markovian growth-collapse processes
Privault, Nicolas
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Large time behavior of damped inviscid fuids with stochastic forcing term
Ferrario, Benedetta
Università di Pavia, Italy
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Stochastic variational principles for the Navier Stokes equation in bounded domains
Cruzeiro, Ana Bela
IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
FR10 Dynamic Games
LIAAD-INESC TEC and University of Porto
A Hotelling Game on Networks
Almeida, João
CeDRI and Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Adaptive dynamics for the Baliga-Maskin model of contribution for a public/common good
Martins, Filipe
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Periodic vaccination strategies in the basic reinfection SIRI model
Martins, José
LIAAD-INESC TEC and Polytechnic of Leiria
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
An evolutyonary dynamical approach: Democracy and corruption
Oliveira, Bruno
LIAAD-INESC TEC and University of Porto
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
FR10 Identities in Algebras

Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra
Codimensions of algebras with polynomial identities
La Mattina, Daniela
University of Palermo
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Algebras with representable representations

García-Martínez, Xabier
Vrije University Brussel
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Differential identities and varieties of algebras

Rizzo, Carla
University of Palermo
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Noncommutative invariant theory

Drensky, Vesselin
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
FR10 Ergodic theory and chaotic dynamical systems (Part 2)

Centro de Matemática e Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
Extreme values and rare events point processes for the Manneville-Pomeau map

Freitas, Ana Cristina Moreira
Faculdade de Economia & Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Quenched limit theorems for expanding on average cocycles
Sedro, Julien
Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation (L.P.S.M.), Sorbonne Université
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Map lattices coupled by collisions: chaos per lattice unit

Bahsoun, Wael
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Dimension of limit sets of Iterated Function Schemes and applications to Lagrange and Markov spectra
Pollicott, Mark
Department of Mathematics, Warwick University
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
FR10 Combinatorics and Ramsey Theory
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Infinite configurations in sets with positive density
Moreira, Joel
University of Warwick
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Subgraphs of large connectivity and chromatic number
Girão, António
University of Heidelberg
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Embedding problems in tournaments
Correia, David
ETH Zürich
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Sumsets of convex and semiconvex sets
Solymosi, Jozsef
University of British Columbia
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
FR10 Recent trends in stability and periodicity for differential equations in mathematical biology models

University of Lisbon
Global asymptotic stability of the periodic solution for a periodic model of hematopoiesis with linear impulses

Oliveira, José
Departamento de Matemática and CMAT, Escola de Ciências, Universidade do Minho
Speaker 1 (10:00-10:15)
Stability for a Nicholson's equation with mixed monotonicities

Prates, Henrique
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Speaker 2 (10:20-10:35)
Periodic orbits for periodic eco-epidemiological systems with infected prey
Jesus, Lopo
Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, Universidade da Beira Interior and Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação, Angola
Speaker 3 (10:40-10:55)
Period two solution for a class of distributed delay differential equations

Nakata, Yukihiko
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aoyama Gakuin University
Main Speaker (11:00-11:40)
FR14 Fractional Partial Differential Equations and Applications
(1) Instituto Politécnico de Leiria & CIDMA (Universidade de Aveiro), Portugal; (2) Universidade de Aveiro & CIDMA (Portugal); (3) Universidade de Aveiro & CIDMA
Direct and inverse Cauchy problems for space--time fractional differential equations
Restrepo, Joel E.
Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazahstan & University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia
Speaker 1 (14:00-14:15)
On the Time-fractional telegraph equation of distributed order
Vieira, Nelson
Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA), University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Speaker 2 (14:20-14:35)
Time-fractional operator calculus in Clifford analysis
Ferreira, Milton
School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal & Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA), University of Aveiro, Portugal
Speaker 3 (14:40-14:55)
Maximum principle for the fractional partial differential equations and its applications
Luchko, Yuri
Beuth Technical University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Main Speaker (15:00-15:40)
FR14 Mathematical Fluid Mechanics

FCT - Universidade do Algarve & CMAFcIO - Universidade de Lisboa
Space-time averaging of turbulent flow equations for permeable media

J.S. de Lemos, Marcelo
Departamento de Energia - IEME, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA, São José dos Campos S.P.
Speaker 1 (14:00-14:15)
Double periodic viscous flows in infinite space-periodic pipes

Yang, Jiaqi
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an
Speaker 2 (14:20-14:35)
C/DG-FEM solutions of a fourth-order nonlinear model for the confinement of fluid flows

D. Lopes, Nuno
ISEL - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
Speaker 3 (14:40-14:55)
Review about turbulence models involving the turbulent kinetic energy

Lewandowski, Roger
Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes, University of Rennes 1, Fluminance team, INRIA Rennes
Main Speaker (15:00-15:40)
FR14 Mathematical software applied to research and education
Univ. do Algarve
On the study of the kernel of singular integral operators with non- Carleman shift using Mathematica software
Marreiros, Rui
Univ. do Algarve
Speaker 1 (14:00-14:15)
Utilização do GeoGebra na generalização do conceito de centro do triângulo
Rodríguez, Juan
Univ. do Algarve
Speaker 2 (14:20-14:35)
Tangram no GeoGebra
Rosário, Nuno
Univ. do Algarve
Speaker 3 (14:40-14:55)
Formative assessment in Maths: challenges and achievements
Santos, Ana
Dep. de Matemática, IST, UL
Main Speaker (15:00-15:40)
FR14 Stability analysis of dynamical systems and applications 1

university of Iceland / Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Spanish National Research Council, Spain
Computation of contraction metrics for the stability of dynamical systems

Giesl, Peter
Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex, UK
Speaker 1 (14:00-14:15)

Argaez, Carlos
Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland
Speaker 2 (14:20-14:35)
CPA-RBF contraction metrics

Mehrabinezhad, Iman
Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland
Speaker 3 (14:40-14:55)
Lyapunov functions for nonlinear systems by linear optimization

Hafstein, Sigurdur
Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland
Main Speaker (15:00-15:40)
FR16 Data Science Mathematics
ETH Zurich
Lower Bounds on the Generalization Error of Deep Learning Models
Seroussi, Inbar
Department of Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot
Speaker 1 (16:00-16:15)
The Connection between EM and the Method of Moments in Low SNR Gaussian Mixtures
Katsevich, Anya
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
Speaker 2 (16:20-16:35)
Method of Moments using Implicit symmetric tensor decomposition
Pereira, João
UT Austin, Texas
Speaker 3 (16:40-16:55)
Phase Transitions, Inference, and Networks
Moore, Cristopher
Santa Fe Institute
Main Speaker (17:00-17:40)
FR16 Stability analysis of dynamical systems and applications 2

university of Iceland / Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Spanish National Research Council, Spain
Geometric integration of mechanical systems and applications to optimal control

de Diego, David Martin
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Spanish National Research Council, Spain
Speaker 1 (16:00-16:15)
Safe online learning-based control of multi-agent systems with Gaussian processes

Colombo, Leonardo
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Spanish National Research Council, Spain
Speaker 2 (16:20-16:35)
Trajectory tracking for the cooperative task of two quadrotor UAVs carrying and transporting a rigid bar

Goodman, Jacob
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, INPhINIT Fellow from La Caixa Foundation
Speaker 3 (16:40-16:55)
Dynamics of Circulant Systems

Bloch, Anthony
Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, USA
Main Speaker (17:00-17:40)
FR16 Logic and Computation
SQIG/IT - Department Mathematics/IST
Decidability via Reduction in Logics and Their Combinations
Sernadas, Cristina
Dep Matemática - IST - Instituto de Telecomunicações
Speaker 1 (16:00-16:15)
Russell-Prawitz translation and atomic polymorphism
Espirito Santo, José
Centro de Matemática - Universidade do Minho
Speaker 2 (16:20-16:35)
Characterizing computational complexity classes with ordinary differential equations
Graça, Daniel
Universidade do Algarve - Instituto de Telecomunicações
Speaker 3 (16:40-16:55)
Adventures in Lambek Calculus
Scedrov, André
Dep. Mathematics - U. Pennsylvania
Main Speaker (17:00-17:40)